Room capacity: 200 people banquet style (seated at tables) or 250 theatre style
$650 plus $84.50 HST = $734.50 (includes kitchen)
Daytime Weekday Business Meeting $275 plus $35.75 HST = $310.75
Weekday (Less than 4 hours) $160 plus $20.80 HST = $180.80
Audio Visual Rental - $100 plus $13.00 HST = $113.00
Plus $100 refundable damage deposit
Room capacity: 75 people
Available usually after 6 PM, or after 12 noon on Sunday.
$395 plus $51.35 HST = $446.35
$100 leave it clean and get a $50 refund in 30 days (1st of the following month)
Non-refundable deposit is 50% of hall rental cost
This price list is subject to change upon approval by Branch executive.
No dates will be confirmed until a rental agreement is signed and the deposit is paid.
Below is a copy of the hall rental agreement and the kitchen rental agreement.
Please print and fill out the sample rental agreement
Do not include prices. That will be done when you bring in the sample form and deposit cheque.
If you are unable to print the form, please note the required information and bring it to the branch along with a deposit cheque.
No outside alcohol.
Special request for particular items (eg.type of wine) will be ordered and distributed by the Branch and corkage will be charged per bottle.
When a bartender is required, there is a minimum of 4 hours for their services.
Open bar is not recommended, although for Weddings and other special events, this can be arranged prior to the event and there will be a non-refundable deposit required. This deposit will be applied towards the overall bill at the end of the function
Gambling is not permitted without a permit. The permit is the responsibility of the event organizer.
Please click on the link below to print a copy of the agreement:
The picture below is the hall, set up in both banquet and theatre style